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Your first impression of a facility is significant.

Make sure the facility you consider makes an initial impact that is positive. Look for a neat, well-organized facility with modern equipment. In addition look for signs of professionalism in the customer service area:

I-CAR or ASI certificates of course completion, customer thank you letters & community involvement.



We Appreciate the Value of Satisfied Customers

 As a member of the business community, we adhere to a Code of Ethics, our pledge to you of honesty, integrity, safety, and craftsmanship.

You may have some questions concerning the estimating/repair process.

If you have any questions, please ask us. Our trained professionals are ready and willing to help you in any way they can.


















Henson Collision Center Inc.
22575 Asheville Highway
Landrum, SC, 29356

Phone: 864-457-5446
Fax: 864-457-5851
Business hour: 8 am - 6 pm (from Monday to Friday)



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